Symmetric ciphers that work on a block at a time.
In PR #79, we simplified the AES modules and in doing so changed the public API used for AES.
To update to the new module structure, you may need to make changes to your cryptol specs that use AES.
The new module structure provides concrete instantiations for AES128
, AES192
, and AES256
It also provides a spec AES_specification
that is generic over the key size, in case you want to implement something that supports multiple key sizes.
Note that these are only the block cipher, operating over a single block at a time.
For encryption over longer plaintexts, use a mode of operation.
If you previously used AES.cry
, you were implicitly using AES256. Update your import line to use AES256.cry
, and update your encrypt and decrypt functions to change the name and order of arguments.
import Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::AES
ct = aesEncrypt(data, key)
pt = aesDecrypt(ct, key)
import Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::AES256 as AES256
ct = AES256::encrypt key data
pt = AES256::decrypt key ct
If you previously used AES_parameterized.cry
, or if you want to implement something using AES with an arbitrary key length, update your import line to use AES_specification.cry
, parameterized
with your own key length parameter. The remaining API is unchanged, although we added a publicly accessible KeySize
import Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::AES_parameterized as AES
/** 0: use AES128, 1: use AES192, 2: use AES256 */
type Mode : #
type constraint (2 >= Mode)
// This constraint enforces the standard key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits.
type KeySize : #
type constraint (fin KeySize, KeySize % 64 == 0, KeySize / 64 >= 2, KeySize / 64 <= 4)
import Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::AES_specification as AES where
type KeySize' = KeySize