- Open decrypted packet logs
- Parse structures using kaitai description file
- Hex viewer
- Extract packet byte array as binary or hex file
- KaitaiStruct (https://kaitai.io/)
- Anytree (https://anytree.readthedocs.io/en/2.6.0/)
- Pyside2 / Qt (https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python)
1- Download and install Python 3.7.2
Run the installer, check "Add python 3.7 to PATH" then clic "Install Now"
From the next string, replace <User> (with quotes) for your windows user.
Then add to your "PATH" environment variable. If you dont know how to do that check this guide
To install dependences, open a console and run:
py -m pip install -r requeriments.txt
This program is different from kaitaistruct installed with pip command. Kaitai struct compiler is used to generate python source code based on a .ksy file.
Because there are required features that weren't yet released, need to install latest development version. You can download it from the official website
You also must install Java Runtime Environment. Download it from https://www.java.com/en/download/
Remember to close the console and open a new one to start.
To start the program, double click on "start.bat".