Cloudflare at core
- Workers (serverless)
- Durable Objects (state management)
- D1 (database)
- R2 (blobs like images)
- Tunnels
- how we connect to Docker services
- Pages for UI hosting
Docker for heavy services that need a 'real server'
- all connected via CF tunnels
- TTS inference
- TTS python module is main big library
- coqui/XTTSv2 is the model (non-commercial OS) (coqui now defunct company as of about a month or so back)
- LLM inference
- Mixtral MoE, etc.. (Open model)
- Using oobabooga/web-ui
- mostly for dev convenience but the OpenAI-like API seems stable enough so also perhaps more long-term
- Vector DB
- Postgresql (OSS) pg_vector
- BGE v1.5 embed model (Open model)
- Text-extract
- Tika (OSS)
- Web Crawl
- Playwrite (OSS)
Serverless Worker (backend)
"@casl/ability": "^6.5.0",
"@cloudflare/ai": "^1.0.48", (experimentation)
"@mjtdev/engine": "file:../../mjtdev-engine",
"@tsndr/cloudflare-worker-jwt": "^2.3.2", (JWT production)
"ai-worker-common": "file:../ai-worker-common" (typedefs and stuff shared between front and back ends)
Backend LOC (just look at TypeScript)
Language files blank comment code
JavaScript 92 35762 51560 1089899
TypeScript 289 1262 1193 10239
JSON 5 8 0 4877
Text 4 0 0 113
TOML 1 16 44 45
SQL 1 7 0 18
Bourne Shell 1 4 5 7
Markdown 1 1 0 6
SUM: 394 37060 52802 1105204
- no 3rd party code other than MJT engine
- mostly type definitions and common code for entity objects/messages/events, etc. where high coordination between front/back is critical
Common LOC (just look at TypeScript)
Language files blank comment code
TypeScript 154 319 635 2298
JSON 4 8 0 453
Markdown 1 2 0 3
SUM: 159 329 635 2754
- UI (frontend)
- React
- transitioning to Radix for UI components
- Minor non-mjt-engine dependencies
- React
UI LOC (Just look at TypeScript)
Language files blank comment code
TypeScript 439 1221 2398 13794
JSON 4 7 0 5227
Markdown 2 17 0 138
CSS 1 16 3 96
JavaScript 2 0 1 16
Bourne Shell 1 8 26 12
Text 1 2 0 12
HTML 1 0 0 8
SUM: 451 1271 2428 19303
"@lunapaint/png-codec": "^0.2.0", (png parsing)
"@mjtdev/engine": "file:../../mjtdev-engine",
"@preact/signals": "^1.2.2", (state managment experiment)
"@radix-ui/react-toast": "^1.1.5",
"@radix-ui/themes": "^2.0.3",
"ai-worker-common": "file:../ai-worker-common", (shared code between front and back ends)
"character-card-utils": "^2.0.3", (character card format)
"easing-utils": "^1.0.0", (UI ianimations)
"http-status-codes": "^2.3.0", (boilerplate)
"immer": "^10.0.3", (immutable state)
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"react-window": "^1.8.10"
MJT's codebase of useful stuff he has developed over the years:
Current sub-packages within mjtdev-engine (Ignore the byte size, most of that is likely node_modules stuff and symlink artifacts)
1.8M mjtdev-ai
64M mjtdev-animate
64M mjtdev-assert
67M mjtdev-babs
64M mjtdev-browser-file
65M mjtdev-byte
64M mjtdev-cache
472K mjtdev-color
64M mjtdev-grid
64M mjtdev-html
64M mjtdev-idb
284K mjtdev-image
64M mjtdev-input
66M mjtdev-magica-voxels
2.7M mjtdev-math
64M mjtdev-nlp
64M mjtdev-noise
1.2M mjtdev-object
264K mjtdev-parse
65M mjtdev-physics
64M mjtdev-random
66M mjtdev-reacts
64M mjtdev-stat
64M mjtdev-string
lines of code in MJT Engine (TypesScript is the one to look at as the JavaScript is generated from that)
- 847 files, with 70k LOC of TypeScript
- I expect most of that code isn't being using for AI workforce, but gives a general scale of the engine overall
- Only true OS (Apache/MIT, etc) used as deps in MJT engine
Language files blank comment code
JavaScript 23 109 119747 839663
TypeScript 847 5697 50658 71911
JSON 75 8 0 38849
Text 2 59 0 189
Markdown 26 78 2 162
Bourne Shell 1 4 0 6
SUM: 974 5955 170407 950780