* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Regenerate IZeroEx wrapper
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Remove deprecated contracts
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Revert: Remove deprecated contracts
* Remove deprecated contracts
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Regenerate all wrappers (#449)
* Dependencies updated
* Regenerate wrappers to add ContractTxFunctionObj.selector (#429)
* Update IZeroEx wrapper (#429)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Update IZeroEx and ITransformERC20 wrappers (#282)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Update wrappers (#237)
* Update IZeroExContract wrapper (#244)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Regenerate wrappers with new abi-gen (#212)
* Regenerate wrappers (#164)
* Update IZeroExContract wrapper (#140)
* Regenerate wrappers (#145)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Update IZeroExContract wrapper (#97)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Regenerate wrappers (#76)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Update IZeroEx wrapper and remove ILiquidityProviderRegistry wrapper (#16)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add `IZeroEx` wrapper (#2626)
* Update `ERC20BridgeSampler` wrapper (#2633)
* Add `exchangeProxy` to `ContractWrappers` type. (#2649)
* Regenerate wrappers (#2703)
* Update IZeroEx wrapper for LiquidityProviderFeature (#2691)
* Export `GethCallOverrides` (#2620)
* Regenerated wrappers for Broker and GodsUnchainedValidator (#2511)
* Added wrapper for MaximumGasPrice (#2511)
* Added `Forwarder.marketSellAmountWithEth` (#2521)
* Added `ERC20BridgeSampler.sampleBuysFromCurve` (#2551)
* Added `ERC20BridgeSampler.sampleBuysFromKyberNetwork` (#2551)
* Added `ERC20BridgeSampler.sampleBuysFromUniswapV2 (#2595)
* Added `ERC20BridgeSampler.sampleSellsFromUniswapV2 (#2595)
* Added `ERC20BridgeSampler.sampleSellsFromMultiBridge (#2593)
* Add `ITransformERC20` (#2591)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add Broker and GodsUnchainedValidator wrappers (#2469)
* Updated Forwarder wrapper (#2469)
* Export `EvmBytecodeOutputLinkReferences` type. (#2462)
* Remove `LibTransactionDecoder` (#2464)
* Update `IERC20BridgeSampler` wrapper (#2477)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Update `DevUtils` wrapper (#2436)
* Update all wrappers. (#2432)
* Regenerate wrappers to catch empty reverts on live networks. (#2433)
* Update `IERC20BridgeSampler` (#2427)
* Added updated `DevUtils` wrapper (#2402)
* Add `IERC20BridgeSampler` wrapper (#2353)
* Add wrapper for `IAssetDataContract` (#2373)
* Remove dependency on `abi-gen-wrappers` (#2370)
* Regenrate Forwarder wrapper (#2374)
* [Breaking] Remove `erc20Proxy`, `erc721Proxy` and `dutchAuction` wrappers (#2324)
* [Breaking] Big refactor of contract wrapper interface. See for details (#2325)
* Export types `ContractFunctionObj` and `ContractTxFunctionObj` (#2325)
* All references to network ID have been removed, and references to chain ID have been introduced instead (#2313)
* Use new `Order` and `ZeroExTransaction` structures with `domain` field (#1742)
* Update exchange wrapper (#1742)
* Remove dependency on `abi-gen-wrappers`
* Regenrate Forwarder wrapper (#2374)
* Dependencies updated
* [Breaking] Remove `erc20Proxy`, `erc721Proxy` and `dutchAuction` wrappers (#2324)
* [Breaking] Big refactor of contract wrapper interface. See for details (#2325)
* Export types `ContractFunctionObj` and `ContractTxFunctionObj` (#2325)
* All references to network ID have been removed, and references to chain ID have been introduced instead (#2313)
* Use new `Order` and `ZeroExTransaction` structures with `domain` field (#1742)
* Update exchange wrapper (#1742)
* Add `devUtils` to `ContractWrappers` class. (#2146)
* Import wrappers from @0x/abi-gen-wrappers instead of directly implementing within this package. (#2086)
* Change CoordinatorWrapper constructor to take a provider instead of a Web3Wrapper instance (#2023)
* Add `contractAddresses` to `ContractWrappers` class. Add `validateAndSendTransactionAsync` to all methods. Add interfaces ForwarderError, ContractError, TraderInfo, OrderAndTraderInfo. (#2068)
* Use @0x/abi-gen to generate wrappers. For a full list of changes, see (#2037)
* Updated interface to `deployFrom0xArtifactAsync` to include log decode dependencies. (#1995)
* Updated interface to `deployAsync` to include log decode dependencies. (#1995)
* Constructors for `ERC20TokenWrapper`, `ERC721TokenWrapper`, and `EtherTokenWrapper` no longer accept networkId (#1970)
* re-export new ethereum-types type, TupleDataItem (#1919)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Use assetDataUtils for encoding and decoding DutchAuctionData
* Dependencies updated
* Fix decoding bug in `DutchAuctionWrapper.decodeDutchAuctionData` (#1815)
* Fallback to eth_sign if eth_signedTypedData fails (#1817)
* Dependencies updated
* Added CoordinatorWrapper to support orders with the Coordinator extension contract (#1792)
* Added a simulation to transfer from maker to taker during `exchange.validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` (#1714)
* Added additional properties to `ValidateOrderFillableOpts`. An order can now be validated to fill a non-zero amount by specifying `validateRemainingOrderAmountIsFillable` as `false`. The default `true` will continue to validate the entire remaining balance is fillable. (#1714)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Move contracts-test-utils and fill-scenarios to dev dependency (#1657)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add support for EIP1193 providers & Web3.js providers >= 1.0-beta.38 (#1627)
* Update provider params to type SupportedProvider which outlines all supported providers (#1627)
* Added calldata decoding to ContractWrappers (#1569)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Use new `ZeroExTransaction` interface (#1576)
* Rename `getTransactionHex` to `getTransactionHashHex` (#1576)
* Rename `getTransactionHex` to `getTransactionHashHex` (#1576)
* Fix OrderValidatorWrapper constructor to use the correct address (#1568)
* Upgrade the bignumber.js to v8.0.2 (#1517)
* Dependencies updated
* Renamed OrderStatus enum members to PascalCase to conform with tslint enum-naming rule (#1474)
* Remove Exchange `matchOrdersAsync` optimization (#1514)
* Dependencies updated
* Added Dutch Auction wrapper (#1465)
* Add support for Trust Wallet signature denial error
* Add balance and allowance queries for `MultiAssetProxy` (#1363)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add a `nonce` field for `TxOpts` so that it's now possible to re-broadcast stuck transactions with a higher gas amount (#1292)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Add signature validation, regular cancellation and `cancelledUpTo` checks to `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` (#1235)
* Improved the errors thrown by `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` by making them more descriptive (#1235)
* Throw previously swallowed network errors when calling `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` (see issue: #1218) (#1235)
* Fix bug in `ForwarderWrapper` where `feeRecipientAddress` was not correctly normalized. (#1178)
* Add optional validation to the forwarder wrapper methods
* Updated to use new modularized artifacts. (#1105)
* Top-level `ContractWrappers` class has a new optional `contractAddresses` parameter. (#1105)
* Default contract addresses are no longer stored in artifacts and are instead loaded from the `@0xproject/contract-addresses` package. (#1105)
* Most contract addresses are now defined at instantiation time and are available as properties (e.g., `exchangeWrapper.address`) instead of methods (e.g., `exchangeWrapper.getContractAddress()`). (#1105)
* Removed `setProvider` method in top-level `ContractWrapper` class and added new `unsubscribeAll` method. (#1105)
* Some properties and methods have been renamed. For example, some methods that previously could throw no longer can, and so their names have been updated accordingly. (#1105)
* Removed ContractNotFound errors. Checking for this error was somewhat ineffecient. Relevant methods/functions now return the default error from web3-wrapper, which we feel provides enough information. (#1105)
* Add `ForwarderWrapperError` to public interface (#1147)
* Add `ContractWrapperError.SignatureRequestDenied` to public interface (#1147)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Fixes dropped events in subscriptions by fetching logs by blockHash instead of blockNumber. Support for fetching by blockHash was added in Geth > v1.8.13 and Parity > v2.1.0. Infura works too. (#1080)
* Fix misunderstanding about blockstream interface callbacks and pass the raw JSON RPC responses to it (#1080)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Drastically reduce the bundle size by removing unused parts of included contract artifacts.
* Add ZRX & WETH mainnet contract addresses into the included artifacts
* Add `OrderValidatorWrapper`
* Fix bug where contracts not deployed on a network showed an `EXCHANGE_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST` error instead of `CONTRACT_NOT_DEPLOYED_ON_NETWORK` (#1044)
* Export `AssetBalanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher` and `OrderFilledCancelledFetcher` implementations (#1054)
* Add `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` and `validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync` to ExchangeWrapper (#1054)
* Fix missing `BlockParamLiteral` type import issue
* Export missing types: `TransactionEncoder`, `ContractAbi`, `JSONRPCRequestPayload`, `JSONRPCResponsePayload`, `JSONRPCErrorCallback`, `AbiDefinition`, `FunctionAbi`, `EventAbi`, `EventParameter`, `DecodedLogArgs`, `MethodAbi`, `ConstructorAbi`, `FallbackAbi`, `DataItem`, `ConstructorStateMutability`, `StateMutability` & `ExchangeSignatureValidatorApprovalEventArgs` (#924)
* Remove superfluous exported types: `ContractEvent`, `Token`, `OrderFillRequest`, `ContractEventArgs`, `LogEvent`, `OnOrderStateChangeCallback`, `ECSignature`, `OrderStateValid`, `OrderStateInvalid`, `OrderState`, `FilterObject`, `TransactionReceipt` & `TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs` (#924)
* Added Transaction Encoder for use with 0x Exchange executeTransaction (#975)
* Added strict encoding/decoding checks for sendTransaction and call (#915)
* Add ForwarderWrapper (#934)
* Optimize orders in ForwarderWrapper (#936)
* Fixed bug caused by importing non-existent dep
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Update blockstream to v5.0 and propogate up caught errors to active subscriptions (#815)
* Update to v2 of 0x rpotocol (#822)
* Dependencies updated
* Dependencies updated
* Expose 'abi' ContractAbi property on all contract wrappers
* Dependencies updated
* Moved contractWrappers out of 0x.js (#579)